Two years... it doesn't seem like very long, but that's 24 months, 731 days, 17528 hours.
When you put it into perspective, it's quite a long time isn't it? Time...
I like to talk to myself about what it means.
How things change, how the world morphs around you.
The way that sometimes, you feel trapped in another infant world.
There's infinite branching paths in time, yet we can't choose which of them we take.
While sometimes, things change... sometimes, things remain just the same. How is it that some of us get older, while the ones we watch with glazed eyes stay youthful and clueless?
I'm getting ahead of myself.
Two years is worth celebrating, isn't it?
I suppose in the grand scheme of things, it's not long enough to really matter.
But I've played in repetition for quite a while.
In any case, "VISION CREW" is going well. Perhaps the best it ever has.
Are you happy to hear? Does it make you grin from ear-to-ear?
Me too!
That time... the time that brings decay.
It also brings progress... and change. You know well, don't you?
The way you've rewritten your own worlds as you learn? Despite the entropy, this world...
It remains to be, and continues to flourish.
Branching like roots into other places and times... There's that word again!
I'd better stop talking, repetition isn't exactly the hot-thing right now.
Remain patient, I reckon you'll find the coming future VERY interesting.