I regret to inform you that Newton is no longer employed at Vision Crew, LLC.

The entire art team put our heads together to redesign this iconic angry NewsAnchor earlier this year.

Pine initially suggested giving him an orb for a head to keep him in line with the Weather Duo's aesthetic. Toosday iterated on this by giving him a snazzier fit and a suave hairdo.

My design concepts built on both of these ideas: I condensed his color palette and made his hair bright yellow. I then scrapped his eyes and turned his hair into a shapeshifting Wi-Fi signal. I'm particularly proud of how these turned out, he lended himself to lots of fun and unique expressions.

This kept getting iterated on afterwards. Some suggested we give him one big eye, others wanted eyebrows and lipstick to sell his "hateable" energy. Translating his energy into sprite forme seemed difficult, even with two different artists trying their hand. Was it too difficult to boil his design down to such a small resolution? Was this effort even worth it? We tried our hardest to settle on something that fit our vision, but something was off.

Eventually, we reached the agreement that Newton and his corresponding gameplay segment were redundant to chapter 3 as a whole. So we made the painful decision to cut him as a major character, despite all the work we put in. I guess this goes to show that no matter how much effort you put into something you care about, sometimes the best thing you can do is let go and set your silly little short angry newsman free...

I wish Newton luck in his future endeavors, wherever he ends up.

Happy 2 years, Vision Crew.